Monday, August 31, 2009


That is all.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Repo! was AWESOME!

Got to meet Terrance Zdunich. One of the coolest fucking people I've had the pleasure of meeting. He signed one of my awesome new business cards (pic of that coming later) and I gave him one to keep. The shadowcast, Scapel Sluts, was amazing as well. Very energetic and charismatic. Also, I love seeing movies at The Tower.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Repo at The Tower!!

Repo! The Genetic Opera is playing this weekend, Friday and Saturday at Midnight at The Tower Theater on 9th and 9th in SLC. Terrance Zdunich, writer and Graverobber will be there signing autographs and hanging out. Live shadowcast performance by Scalpel SL,UTs!

Come early to guarantee your seat.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Castle of Chaos

Since I don't know anyone who is been here, I'll post a review I found on Yahoo!
"The Castle Of Chaos is an interactive haunted house which is fun for the whole family. The costumes may not be realistic and gut-wrenchingly scary, but they are fun and the actors full of life and vigor. They also have mystery solving where one can act like a detective and try and solve a mystery within the castles haunted walls. The 3D area has great artwork, and the actors seem to morph off the walls. With the X-scream section you are pushed to every limit as you deal with elements such as water, claustrophobia and peoples brains! So go on, try and solve the mystery of the castle and have a frightful ball while you're at it."

Castle of Chaos

Where: 4650 S. Highland Drive

Price: $8-$14; Black Crypt $3 extra

Phone: 949-8958

Can't find info on hours, but they open September 4th.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Nightmare on 13th

The first Friday that I spent here in Salt Lake was an exciting day. Worked at mom's store, had dinner at Mazza, and then by complete surprise, my stepfather drove us by one of SLC's best haunted attractions. Nightmare on 13th. The outer facade and gate are beautiful. It was too dark for me to get pictures, but I plan on returning during the day at some point soon to capture it.

They're open Friday-Sat, Sept 18th-19th and then Sept 25th through Oct 31st.
Monday thru Thursday - 7:30 -11:00
Friday thru Saturday - 7:30 - Midnight
Closed Sundays

Saturday, August 22, 2009

New Beginnings

Hello my grim grinning ghouls!

I have just moved to Salt Lake City from Tempe, Arizona by way of Norco, California. As I dig in my roots here, I intend to document and track all things spooky, scary, creepy and ghoulish in Salt Lake City and its surrounding environs.

If you have anything you feel should be on my blog, please feel free to contact me at!